速報APP / 藝術與設計 / PencilBox: schoolhouse stickers & doodle

PencilBox: schoolhouse stickers & doodle



檔案大小:26.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


PencilBox: schoolhouse stickers & doodles(圖1)-速報App

With over 200 stickers, you'll have everything you need to doodle, highlight, markup and whiteout your iMessage conversations!

Stickers Include:

• Doodle Stickers

• Highlighter Stickers

• Whiteout Stickers

• Markup Stickers

PencilBox: schoolhouse stickers & doodles(圖2)-速報App

• SEND stickers in chat

• PLACE stickers anywhere on your iMessages

• CUSTOMIZE your photos with stickers in chat

• LAYER stickers over each other, in chat, and on photos

• SCALE & ROTATE stickers

Quick tips on installing and using Sticker apps:

PencilBox: schoolhouse stickers & doodles(圖3)-速報App

• To access iMessage apps, tap the App Store icon alongside the compose field to see your most recently used iMessage app.

• To continue browsing, tap the icon on the lower left corner which brings up the app drawer. From there, tap the plus icon to access the App Store for iMessage, where you can browse and download more apps. Here, you can also go to Manage where you can add your apps to your app drawer.

• To use a sticker within a conversation, you simply tap to send or you can touch and hold to place them on top of bubbles, other Stickers, or even photos. It feels just like peeling and pasting a traditional sticker.

• iPhone and iPad users (running iOS 10) and Apple Watch owners (running watchOS 3) can receive stickers. On Apple Watch, you can send any of the stickers you recently sent from iPhone or iPad. You can receive stickers on earlier versions of iOS and other platforms but they’re received inline as images and don’t support being pasted on top of text, photos etc.


Support: support@little-labs.com

PencilBox: schoolhouse stickers & doodles(圖4)-速報App

Join our beta program: www.little-labs.com/products.html

About us: www.little-labs.com

PencilBox: schoolhouse stickers & doodles(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad